Jack Wang Defends PhD Thesis

Rice DSP graduate student Jack Wang successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Towards Personalized Human Learning at Scale: A Machine Learning Approach."

Abstract: Despite the recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), we have yet to witness the transformative breakthroughs they can bring to education and, more broadly, to how humans learn. This thesis establishes two research directions that leverage the recent advances in generative modeling to enable more personalized learning experiences on a large scale. The first part of the thesis focuses on educational content generation and proposes a method to automatically generate math word problems that are personalized to each learner. The second part of the thesis focuses on learning analytics and proposes a framework for analyzing learners’ open-ended solutions to assessment questions, such as code submissions in computer science education.

Jack’s next step is Adobe Research, where he will be working on new natural language processing models for documents and other data.