SPAR 2017 will be held on 31 March 2017 in conjunction with the Rice ECE Department's Corporate Affiliates Day. The venue is the venerable room 1049 of historic Duncan Hall. With an acceptance rate of just 6%, competition for this year's conference was particularly fierce.
8am Breakfast
9am Welcome and Lightning Talks
- 5 minutes for visitors, 1 minute for Rice folks
Contents could include: 1) My/A cool new result, 2) What I want to get out of SPAR, 3) Something non-technical to share
Please send a PDF file of any slides to Ali Mousavi <> by 5pm Thursday 30 March 2017
10am Coffee Break
1045am Organization of Afternoon Panel Sessions
1115am Lunch
12pm Panel Sessions 1, 2, 3, 4 (30 minutes each)
2pm Coffee Break
330pm Panel Sessions 5, 6, 7 (30 minutes each)
4:00 PM Fireside Chat: Rice Friends and Family (McMurtry Auditorium)
- MC: Ramesh Neelamani ’03, Seismology Supervisor, ExxonMobil Upstream Research
John Treichler ’70, CTO, Raytheon Applied Signal Technology
John Burruss, CEO, Metrocare
Fayé Briggs, President & CEO, Niminq, Inc., Intel Fellow, ECE Adjunct Faculty Member
Stefanie Breyer ’95, Vice President of R&D for Data Acquisition, National Instruments
5pm Wrap Up and Planning for SPAR 2018
530pm Valhalla
7pm Dinner, Toasts, NonToasts, and Awards at El Tiempo Cantina, 3130 Richmond Avenue