- Rice Wavelet Toolbox
Python-friendly version of the classic RWT
Matlab toolbox for filter-bank and wavelet design/analysis
Matlab implementations of CS recovery algorithms using the D-AMP framework.
Matlab implementation of prDeep; a noise robust phase retrieval algorithm based on deep neural networks.
Matlab implementations of CS recovery algorithms using the model-based CS framework.
Matlab interface for the LIBSVM 2.8 implementation of the -SVM
Matlab code for distributed estimation using the embedded subgraphs algorithm
Matlab code for compression history estimation and color space transformation
Matlab code for image denoising using Besov projections in multiple wavelet domains
Matlab code for image deblurring/deconvolution using wavelets
Matlab code for inverse halftoning using wavelets
Matlab and C code for image denoising using wavelet domain hidden Markov models
Matlab code for the cyclic order preserving assignment problem with application to shape matching
Dual-tree Quaternion Wavelet Transform for disparity estimation
Matlab toolbox for compressive sensing recovery via belief propagation
Supplementary material to the paper "Learning with compressible priors" by V. Cevher (NIPS 2009, Vancouver, B.C.).
This toolbox contains implementations of the spectral iterative hard thresholding algorithms described in the paper "Spectral Compressive Sensing".
This toolbox contains scripts that implement the experiments and generate the figures in the paper "Kronecker Compressive Sensing".
Sample codes of the BIHT algorithm
Includes Matlab implementations for compressive sensing recovery for incoherent manifold models.
Solves the following problem: min trace(P), s.t || A(P) - b ||_\infty < \delta
Algorithm to selecting tuning parameters for sparse regression algorithms
Sparse Regression with Correlated Measurements
Matlab code for template learning and template-based pattern classification
Matlab code for synthesizing positive multifractal long-range-dependent data
Digitized 2.5 microsecond echolocation pulse emitted by the Large Brown Bat, Eptesicus Fuscus
Matlab and C-language programs for time-varying spectral analysis
Matlab code for estimating time-frequency moments
Matlab code for automatic generation of prime length FFT programs
Matlab programs for the design of digital filters by several different approaches
C code for internet available bandwidth estimation
Matlab code for the polynomial root finding algorithms of Lang and Frenzel and of Fox, Lindsey, Burrus, Sitton, and Treitel